Creating Topics in Kafka
Kafka is a distributed streaming platform that allows you to publish and subscribe to streams of records. A record is a key-value pair that can contain any data. A stream is a sequence of records that are produced and consumed by applications.
One of the core concepts in Kafka is a topic. A topic is a logical name for a stream of records. You can create topics in Kafka using the command-line tool or the Admin API.
To create a topic using the command-line tool, you need to specify the name of the topic, the number of partitions, and the replication factor. For example, to create a topic named "test" with 3 partitions and 2 replicas, you can run: --create --topic test --partitions 3 --replication-factor 2 --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
To create a topic using the Admin API, you need to use the AdminClient class and call the createTopics method with a collection of NewTopic objects. For example, to create the same topic as above in Java, you can write:
AdminClient admin = AdminClient.create(props);
NewTopic newTopic = new NewTopic("test", 3, (short) 2);
Creating topics in Kafka is easy and flexible. You can use either the command-line tool or the Admin API to create topics with different configurations. Topics are essential for producing and consuming data streams in Kafka.
Q: How do I list all the topics in Kafka?
A: You can use the command-line tool with the --list option or call the listTopics method of the AdminClient class.
Q: How do I delete a topic in Kafka?
A: You can use the command-line tool with the --delete option or call the deleteTopics method of the AdminClient class. Note that deleting a topic may not be immediate and may depend on some broker configurations.
Q: How do I change the configuration of a topic in Kafka?
A: You can use the command-line tool with the --alter option or call the alterConfigs method of the AdminClient class. You can change various parameters such as retention time, compression type, segment size,etc.
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