Apache Solr Tutorial: An Introduction to Search Platform Based on Apache Lucene

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Configuring Solr schema and analysis

Solr is a popular open source search platform that provides powerful features such as full-text search, faceting, highlighting, and spell checking. One of the key aspects of Solr is its schema, which defines the fields and types of documents that can be indexed and searched. The schema also specifies how the fields are analyzed, which affects how they are tokenized, normalized, filtered, and transformed during indexing and querying.

In this blog post, we will explain how to configure Solr schema and analysis using XML files or Schema API. We will also provide a conclusion and some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Solr schema and analysis.

Configuring Solr schema using XML files

The default way to configure Solr schema is to use XML files named `schema.xml` or `managed-schema`, which are located in the `conf` directory of each core or collection. These files contain the `<schema>` element that defines the `<fieldType>` elements (which specify the name, class, and parameters of each field type), the `<field>` elements (which specify the name, type, attributes, and default value of each field), and the `<dynamicField>` elements (which specify a pattern-based mapping of field names to field types).

To configure Solr schema using XML files, you need to edit these files manually or use a tool such as Solr Admin UI or curl commands. You also need to reload or restart your core or collection for the changes to take effect.

Configuring Solr schema using Schema API

Another way to configure Solr schema is to use Schema API, which is a RESTful interface that allows you to add, delete, replace, or update field types and fields dynamically without modifying any XML files. Schema API also supports retrieving information about your current schema configuration.

To configure Solr schema using Schema API, you need to send HTTP requests with JSON payloads to your core or collection endpoint with `/schema` suffix. For example:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-type:application/json' --data-binary '{
"add-field-type" : {
"analyzer" : {
}' http://localhost:8983/solr/my_collection/schema

This request adds a new field type named `text_en` that uses a standard tokenizer and lower case and porter stem filters.


Solr schema and analysis are essential components of any Solr application that determine how your data is indexed and searched. You can configure them using XML files or Schema API depending on your preference and needs. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages: XML files offer more control and stability but require manual editing and reloading; Schema API offers more flexibility and convenience but may introduce inconsistency or errors if not used carefully.


Q: What is the difference between `schema.xml` and `managed-schema`?

A: `schema.xml` is the traditional name for the XML file that contains your schema configuration. `managed-schema` is a newer name that indicates that your schema configuration can be managed by Schema API. If you use Schema API to modify your schema configuration, any changes will be written to `managed-schema`, not `schema.xml`. You can rename `managed-schema` back to `schema.xml` if you want to disable Schema API.

Q: How can I check if my changes in XML files or Schema API are applied correctly?

A: You can use Solr Admin UI or curl commands to retrieve your current schema configuration from `/schema/fields` or `/schema/fieldtypes` endpoints. For example:

curl http://localhost:8983/solr/my_collection/schema/fields

This request returns a JSON response with information about all fields in your collection.

Q: How can I revert my changes in XML files or Schema API if I make a mistake?

A: If you use XML files to configure your schema, you can simply restore your previous version of `schema.xml` or `managed-schema` from backup or version control system. If you use Schema API to configure your schema,
you can use delete operations (`delete-field-type`, `delete-field`, etc.) to remove any unwanted field types or fields from your schema.


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Jaadav Payeng 2 months ago
