Apache Solr Tutorial: An Introduction to Search Platform Based on Apache Lucene

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Using SolrCloud for distributed search

SolrCloud is a feature of Apache Solr that allows you to create a distributed search system with high availability, scalability and fault tolerance. In this blog post, we will explain what SolrCloud is, how it works and what benefits it offers for your search applications.

SolrCloud is based on the concept of collections, which are logical partitions of documents that can be split into multiple shards and replicated across multiple nodes. A node is a single instance of Solr running on a server. A shard is a subset of documents from a collection that can be searched independently. A replica is a copy of a shard that provides redundancy and load balancing.

SolrCloud uses ZooKeeper, a centralized service for maintaining configuration information and providing coordination among nodes. ZooKeeper keeps track of the cluster state, such as which nodes are alive, which collections exist and where the shards and replicas are located. ZooKeeper also handles leader election, which determines which replica of each shard is responsible for indexing updates and distributing them to other replicas.

To use SolrCloud, you need to set up a ZooKeeper ensemble (a group of ZooKeeper servers) and configure your Solr nodes to connect to it. You can then create collections using the Solr Admin UI or the Collections API. You can specify parameters such as the number of shards, the number of replicas per shard, the router name (which determines how documents are assigned to shards) and custom configuration files for each collection.

Once you have created your collections, you can index documents using any of the supported methods: HTTP POST requests, Data Import Handler (DIH), SolrJ client library or Streaming Expressions. You can also update or delete documents using these methods. SolrCloud will automatically distribute the updates to all replicas of each shard and keep them in sync.

To query your collections, you can use any of the supported methods: HTTP GET requests, SolrJ client library or Streaming Expressions. You can also use facets, highlighting, spell checking and other features that Solr provides. SolrCloud will automatically route your queries to one of the replicas of each shard and merge the results from all shards.


SolrCloud is a powerful feature that enables you to create distributed search systems with high availability, scalability and fault tolerance. It simplifies the management of large collections by abstracting away the details of sharding and replication. It also provides consistent indexing and querying across all nodes in the cluster.


Q: How do I monitor my SolrCloud cluster?

A: You can use various tools to monitor your SolrCloud cluster such as:

- The Solr Admin UI: It provides an overview of your cluster state such as live nodes, collections,shards,replicas,leaders,metricsand logs.
- The Metrics API: It exposes various metrics about your cluster such as JVM statistics,system statistics,core statistics and collection statistics.
- The Logging API: It allows you to view or download logs from any node in your cluster.
- The ZooKeeper CLI: It allows you to interact with ZooKeeper directly and inspect its data.

Q: How do I scale my SolrCloud cluster?

A: You can scale your SolrCloud cluster by adding or removing nodes dynamically without any downtime. To add a node, you just need to start a new instance of Solr on a server and point it to your ZooKeeper ensemble. It will automatically join the cluster and register itself with ZooKeeper. You can then assign it to any collection using the Collections API or let it be used for auto-scaling purposes. To remove a node, you just need to stop its instance of Solr gracefully. It will automatically leave the cluster and unregister itself from ZooKeeper. You should make sure that there are enough replicas left for each shard after removing a node.

Q: How do I backup or restore my SolrCloud data?

A: You can backup or restore your SolrCloud data using the Backup API or Restore API respectively. These APIs allow you to create snapshots of your collections on an external location such as HDFS or S3. You can then restore these snapshots on another cluster or on the same cluster after disaster recovery.

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Jaadav Payeng 2 months ago
